Thursday, 13 March 2025

Review: A Forgery of Fate by Elizabeth Lam

A gifted art forger, Truyan Saigas has the unique ability to paint the future. But when her father is lost at sea, not even magic can heal her family, or save her two younger sisters from the dangerous consequences of her mother's gambling debts.

Then Elang, a mysterious dragon lord, offers her a deal: in exchange for a fresh start for her mother and sisters, Tru must enter a marriage contract and join him in his desolate undersea palace.

Once there, Tru will embark on her most dangerous forgery yet. To infiltrate the tyrannical Dragon King's inner circle and paint a future so treasonous, it could upend both the mortal and immortal realms...

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📌 Disclaimer: I received an e-arc for review from the publisher  
📌 Publication date: 05/06/2025

I would describe A Forgery of Fate as whimsical, which is not usually something that appeals to me. However, I thought the under water setting, with the talking turtles and sassy water demon, was fun. 

I loved the family dynamics in this, Tru's love for her sisters and her parents was heart-warming. Even better was the fact that she didn't forget about them after the love interest was introduced. She was focused on doing what she had to in order for them to have a better life, and that didn't waver throughout. Although she was sometimes reckless, doing things without thinking of the consequences, I wasn't mad about it as she was a lovable main character with an empathetic nature.

The romance between Tru and Elang was Beauty and the Beast-esque, which is a dynamic I like. While I found the plot twist regarding Elang obvious it didn't take away from my enjoyment. Nor did the fact that it was plain from the start that he liked Tru.

A Forgery of Fate is one of the better fantasy books I've read of recently, a strong standalone.


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